Monday, January 27, 2020

Physiotherapy for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN)

Physiotherapy for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) 1. Introduction of contractors In this section the contractors of this project assignment will be introduced. 1.1 Client Fisioterapia Alcobendas is a private practice specialized in physiotherapy treatments. Its owner is Marc van Zuilen, HvA graduate who has been operating his own clinic since 1999. The clinic’s main objective is to provide quality and personalized healthcare to the community and its clients. Among the areas of expertise , the following can be listed: tendinitis, hernias, low back pain, whiplash, cervicalgia, tennis elbow, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis, plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, cystic fibrosis, asthma, neuropathies, spina bifida, Bell’s palsy, etc. Besides being the owner of the clinic, Marc van Zuilen is also a lecturer for Universidad de Alcalà ¡ de Henares, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Asociacià ³n Fisioterapia Deporte de Élite. As part of his professional endeavours, by having this product in his hands, would benefit both the clinic and his actualization for use in lecturing. The client would like to employ for use in his practice a systemized recommendation for exercise for patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Providing the client with an evidence based approach toward treatment of DPN would improve the outcomes in their patients well being and would provide the clinic with a valuable tool to employ in prescribing the appropriate treatment parameters for this group. 1.2 Educational Institution Hogeschool van Amsterdam, located at Amsterdam, Tafelbergweg 51, 1105 BD, pertaining to the Amsterdam School of Health Professions (ASHP) the European School of Physiotherapy (ESP), represented by our coach- Cia Kesselaar. 1.3 Students Mihaela Cosarca and Finda Morsay, last year ESP students will be researching this topic as their professional assignment project. 1.4 Contact information contractors Name Title Phone Email Fisioterapia Alcobendas, Spain Client 0034916238440 [emailprotected] Cia Kesselaar Coach [emailprotected] Mihaela Cosarca Student [emailprotected] Finda Morsay Student [emailprotected] 2. Assignment In this section the assignment proposed by the client will be introduced. Then, the background of the assignment will be described. Furthermore, the end products will be defined and the physiotherapeutic clinical relevance will be explained. 2.1 Introduction assignment Fisioterapia Alcobenda is a well known, established institution in the surrounding community of Madrid, Spain. It is dedicated to the wellbeing of the community it’s serving. The clinic would like to apply an evidence based approach to treatment of some of the most common pathologies encountered in their patients: diabetic neuropathy. In order to do that, they would like to have available a research on the recommended exercise interventions supported by literature. By making use of this tool, the clinic will ensure the best results in their patients. The purpose of this assignment is to investigate diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) as a complication from diabetes and to present the evidence based in favor of exercising as a treatment modality that could prevent, delay or halt the course of this disease. Further on, we will focus on determining which exercise interventions should be incorporated into treatment plans for this group of patients and conclude which parameters of exercising are proven to be effective (type, intensity, frequency, duration). This project plan is developed by Mihaela Cosarca and Finda Morsay, students at the European School of Physiotherapy (ESP) in order to provide a structural approach to tackle the project assignment proposed by our client. 2.2 Background problem and clinical relevance In 2011, WHO estimated that 347 millions people worldwide were suffering from diabetes, with an estimated annual death toll of 3.4 millions. The International Diabetes Federation has an updated number for 2013: 382 mil people worldwide living with diabetes with a forecasted 55% increase to reach 592 million by year 2035. Diabetes is an epidemic and people diagnosed with diabetes are at increased risk of developing a series of serious health problems: cardiovascular disease, nephropathy, neuropathy, retinopathy or dental disease (CDC 2011). According to American Diabetes Association (2011) of people diagnosed with diabetes, 60-70% will develop peripheral neuropathy and this complication has been deemed responsible for more than 60% of all non-traumatic amputations, in addition to contribution to other consequences: decreased sensation and strength, decreased proprioception, decreased reflexes, poor balance and increased risk of falling, decreased confidence, decreased level of activity and participation and overall decreased quality of life. The 2010 joint statement of ACSM and American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends different exercise interventions mostly for prevention and control of insulin resistance diabetes and to prevent complications. Similarly, a Cochrane review (Thomas et al. 2009) found that exercise was beneficial for people with diabetes as is correlated with glycemic control and significantly contributes to reduction in visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue, decreases triglycerides and increases insulin response. However, this review did not research the effect of exercise on DPN. The purpose of our study is to determine if exercise is a valid treatment modality for DPN and it will go further into details and to probe which exercise interventions are benefic for those diabetes patients who developed neuropathy and in which combination. The standard of care for diabetic peripheral neuropathy is based on a number of drugs and emphasis on feet care, but the main problem of the pharmacological approach is the fact that it produces side effects (Wamboldt et. al 2006), has been proven to have moderate to no improvement on this condition (Zochodne et. al 2008) and lacks the ability to lessen the progression of DPN (Zilliox et. al 2011, Callaghan et. al 2012). It is our responsibility as healthcare professionals to improve the odds of this patients and to contribute to a better quality of life for this population. In physiotherapy practice, the physiotherapists make use of different treatment modalities for various conditions. Exercise is one of the most accessible and easily prescribed intervention with successful results in many pathologies. Given the existing literature will prove exercise as a worthy intervention, we believe it has the potential to change the course of the disease and the quality of life of the DPN patients and it will be a useful tool in any clinic that treats these patients. Through this review, the students intend to research the main medical databases and to analyze the selected literature to determine the effectiveness of different exercise interventions in the treatment management of DPN. The findings will fill the lack of knowledge on the validity of this intervention as treatment of DPN and will outline the specifics of the treatment as evidenced by literature. This study has the potential to formalize the use of exercise as an evidence based modality for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patients. Description of research question 3.1 Methods All the delivered end products must meet the requirements of a Bachelor’s degree. In order to complete this task, the students will use the following resources: 3.1.1 Search strategy To gather the studies for both background information and the systematic review part, we used the following methods: 1) For the evidence based part for the systematic review the students recruited RCT’s, systematic reviews, meta-analysis and existing guidelines. The search was conducted in the following databases: PubMed, PEDro, CINAHL, Cochrane, TripDatabase, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar. An individual Cochrane search was conducted to prevent any systematic reviews being omitted during the first step. 2) For all the background information considered relevant for this topic, we also gathered: articles from the reference list contained in the systematic reviews and guidelines and articles found through the aforesaid databases that fall under the inclusion/exclusion criteria. 3.1.2 Keywords The keywords and the MESH terms (Medical Subject Headings) used were: 3.1.3 Inclusion criteria For the background information on DPN, case series, population-based studies, clinical trials, clinical and pilot studies, randomised-controlled trials (RCTs), systematic reviews and guidelines published between January 2000 and September 2014 were taken into consideration. The background information focuses on definition, factors involved in pathogenesis of DPN, incidence and prevalence, clinical presentation: signs and symptoms, risk factors, diagnostic methods, evaluation (EBP scales) and prognosis, available treatment methods. The inclusion of these articles was considered only if they were included in the reference section of an existing guideline or systematic review. For the systematic review- guidelines, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and randomized control studies published between 2000 and September 2014 were included. Available scientific studies in languages other than English or Spanish were excluded. In addition, some RCTs and case series were also included as long as they were published at a posterior date to the latest systematic reviews or guidelines. Criterion Justification 1 English Language Most specialty journals are published in English 2 2004- 2014 Last decade studies capture the most frequently used physical modalities existing in practice today[1] 3 Studied the effects of dry needling MTrPts on patients with PF 4 Humans > 18 y.o Ensures homogeneity between studies and possibly a bigger population count 5 Diagnostic criteria based on clinical findings Diagnostic criteria must be stated so that it can be easily determined how likely it was the subjects had PF and how similar the population was compared to other studies’ population 6 Quantitative study design incl. RCTs, non RCTs Included studies have to reflect the state of our knowledge and exact limitation; case studies excluded, unless published after latest RCT or systematic review 3.1.4 Exclusion criteria 3.1.5 Criteria for grading articles The articles are graded according to the Pedro criteria list (see appendix ?). In order to assess the quality of the criteria list, we conducted a pilot study where articles were individually graded and scores were compared by the reviewers. Where there was disagreement, discussion was done to reach a consensus. The list consists of 10 questions, scored between 0 and 1, max score 10. Each article was scored as follows: Good- if scored Very good score between 7 and 9 Excellent if scored 9 or 10 After the screening process with the criteria list articles were considered relevant for the study. 4. End Products The end products that will be delivered by the students are: 1. Project Plan- this document is meant as an organizational framework for the project. It outlines the content of the final end product of our PAP: a systematic review to help determine if using exercise as a treatment modality in the management of DPN is recommendable as good practice for PTs and other healthcare professionals. This plan describes the manner in which the students can guarantee quality end products. Efficient work is ensured by a clear task division and a thorough schedule. Buffer days/ weeks are set up to allow margins for the unexpected factors. Lastly, the quality of end products feedback and evaluation of the work is assured through collaboration with competent professionals and guidance from the ESP coach. 2. Systematic Review: the objectives of the proposed review are the following: To serve as an EBP tool for practitioners and students looking for an updated solution for using different exercise interventions in the management of DPN To provide practical guidance based on corroborating any existing EBP guidelines and including latest literature in terms of the exact interventio, the duration, frequency and the length of a standard treatment that could be beneficial for patients with this diagnosis. To provide a list of most common findings encountered through our research and conclude if exercise can be recommended and at what stage of the pathology can give a better prognosis- if evidence allows this conclusion Recommendations for future research 3.PowerPoint Presentation on the students will present the project. The specifics of the investigated intervention will be thoroughly explained with the accent on the most relevant findings of the review. 5. Project phases For optimal management, the project will be divided into three phases: preparation phase, decision making phase and completion phase. 5.1 Preparation phase The preparatory phase (week 37 to.. ) was dedicated to an orientation and selection of relevant literature and an outlining of the project. At the moment, the project is more defined and a more concrete design process is under construction. In this phase the following activities take place: Online or phone meetings with the client and personal meetings with the PAP coordinator A contract between client, student and the university A project plan is being written by the students and approved by the assigned coach 5.2 Decision Making and Progression phase In the decision making phase (week AA to AAA) the following activities take place: A progress report is made weekly and discussed with the coach A personal report is drawn up every two weeks Every day the student dedicates 6-8h/ day for synthesizing the selected literature and writing of the thesis Realization of project: deliver systematic review, leaflet and reports The presentation title plus brief description is submitted 5.3 Completion phase In the completion phase (week AAA to BBB) the following activities will take place: A presentation of the results: given by the student The final interview with the coach to discuss: the process report and the personal report, the end product (protocol and thesis) and feedback of the client Submitting products to PAP coordinator 6. Goals 6.1 Individual SMART goals MIHAELA S M A R T FINDA S M A R T 6.2 Group SMART goals S M A R T 6.3 End Product goal S Produce an answer to our research question, which is clinically relevant in physiotherapy practice M By following the standard scientific format: Abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion A With good guidance from coach and using our knowledge on evidence based practice R A systematic review will be our end product T Until the end of project, mid Dec 2014 7. Process 7.1. Pitfalls and safety net planning 7.2. Quality control 7.3 Rules and regulations for work 7.3.1 Task division 7.3.2 Coach contribution 8. Planning and timetable The following are the external deadlines for the products Product External deadline Contract Project plan deadline 20.10.2014 Project plan retake deadline 27.10.2014 Title and brief description presentation 20.11.2014 Green light presentation coach 24.11.2014 Deadline all products (1st chance) 12.12.2014 Deadline all products (2nd chance) 07.01.2015 Deadlines and Official PAP coordinator coach meetings (proposals) Week Day Date Time Description Remarks 37 TH 12.09 11:30- 13:00 Group members meet to discuss topic after PAP coordinator assigns the team members 37 FR 13.09 project description sent to PAP coordinator 38 MON 15.09 14:30- 15:15 Group had first meeting with PAP coordinator to discuss the topic, client, backup topic Search for coach continues until Wed 38 WED 17.09 18:00 Topic/ Coach to be confirmed by PAP coordinator/ Green Light 38 TH 18.09 16:00 Turn in PAP enrollment form 38 FRI 19.09 10:00 Kick off project plan 38 MON/TUE 22.09- 23.09 Meeting PAP coordinator to finalize topic details Coach assigned on 25th Sept 2014 39 TUE 30.09 11:00 Meeting with coach 39 WED, TH Research for new topic 40 TUE 07.10 12:30 Meeting with coach Discuss new topic and suggestions 41 MON 13.10 12:30 Project plan first draft 41 ? Project plan feedback meeting 41 TH- MON Integrate feedback 42 MON 20.10 18:00 Deadline project plan 42 MON-TH 20- 23.10 Searching engines and screening of articles for review 42 TH- SUN 23- 26.10 Screening of articles for review 43 MON 27.10 18:00 Deadline Retake project plan 43 TUE- SUN 28.10 -02.11 Grade articles for review 44 TH-TH 03.11- 09.11 Writing Introduction and methods sections for review 45 MON 10.11 12:00 Deadline INTRO and METHODS 45 FRI 14.11 12:00 Feedback coach intro and methods 45-46 MON- WED 10.11- 19.11 18:00 Integrate feedback, writing results and discussion sections 46 TH 20.11 18:00 Deadline RESULTS and DISCUSSION 46 TH 20.11 18.00 Title and brief description presentation deadline 47 MON 24.11 17:00 Feedback coach 47 MON 24.11 17:00 Greenlight presentation coach 48 MON 01.12 18:00 Deadline ABSTRACT and CONCLUSION and submit first draft of the review to coach 48 FRI 05.12 17:00 Extended feedback on draft 49 WED 10.12 18:00 Submit final version of the review for feedback 49 FRI 12.12 18:00 DEADLINE process report and individual report 50 FRI 12.12 18:00 DEADLINE PAP2: systematic review, leaflet, individual and group reports 51. MON- TH 15.12- 18.12 preparation presentation 52 winter BREAK 1. winter BREAK 2 WED 07.01.2015 DEADLINE retake PAP 2 2 MON- FRI 05.01- 11.01 preparation presentation ? PRESENTATION Official client meetings Week Day Date Time Description 38 TUE 16.09 12:00 Kick off meeting Evaluation Project Plan sign contract Midterm evaluation project Demonstration of end product End evaluation [1]to be determined which period we use

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Lofts at Las Colinas Apartments

My area of choice is Irving, Texas. My evaluation shall be based on a one bedroom apartment. The cost of renting apartments across this area will vary depending on various factors, some of which include the location of the apartment, how pet friendly it is, and the amenities available (e.g. swimming pool, fitness center, high speed internet, etc.).The ten apartments that I shall evaluate are: Archstone at MacArthur Apartments (located on 1100 Hidden Ridge Road), Lincoln Lakeside (on 6727 Deseo), Huntington Ridge Apartments (situated at 4220 Esters Road), Hillcrest Apartments (located on 3149 West Walnut Hill Lane), Tuscan Villas Apartments (located on 6445 Love Dr), Delano Apartments (located on 1001 Lake Carolyn Parkway).Lofts at Las Colinas Apartments (located on 1050 Lake Carolyn Parkway), Glen Arbor Apartments (located on 4003 N Belt Line Rd), and Surrey Oaks I and Surrey Oaks II Apartments (both located on 1814 Estrada Parkway) (MyNewPlace, 2008).Standard amenities across all th ese apartments include a pool, spa, package receiving, storage space, a fitness center, a BBQ/Picnic area, and on-site maintenance. For a standard one bedroom house, Archstone at MacArthur charges an average rate of $845. In addition to these amenities, the location of Archstone at MacArthur is ideal. Situated in the heart of Las Colinas, it is sandwiched between shopping malls and restaurants.Las Colinas’ central location between   Dallas and Fort Worth and its proximity to the DFW Airport has made it a magnet for the offices of corporate bodies, and also boasts of luxury hotels, country clubs, exclusive resorts and luxurious mansions. This has made it a prestigious address both for up market homes and offices and it remains a planned community. In addition, pets are also allowed (MyNewPlace, 2008).Lincoln Lakeside Apartments, in La Villita, San Antonio, charge much more than Archstone at MacArthur Apartments.At $930, these apartments however offer more amenities. In addit ion to the amenities offered by Archstone at MacArthur Apartments, Lincoln Lakeside also offers high speed internet, a sundeck, a business center, and a clubhouse. These extra facilities would help explain the higher rates charged.Like the Las Colinas, La Villita is a planned community, located on the eastern banks of the San Antonio River, and is served by a large number of shops, galleries and restaurants. It is in the Central Loop (â€Å"downtown San Antonio†) area which is bound by Interstates 35, 37 and the US highway 90, which run around it (MyNewPlace, 2008).Lofts at Las Colinas Apartments charge even more. At $1, 219 for a one bedroom apartment, it is one of the most expensive addresses in Irving. However, it offers much more in the way of both amenities and location than either Lincoln Lakeside or Archstone at MacArthur.In addition to the standard facilities and in addition to high speed internet, a sundeck, a business center and a clubhouse, Lofts at Las Colinas Apa rtments offer controlled access, a courtyard, night patrol, a rec room, and elevators.In addition, it offers access to four major freeways, is located at the heart of the Los Colinas CBD, and fronts the promenade of the Lake Carolyn. It restricts some breeds of pets and as a matter of policy allows a maximum of only two pets (MyNewPlace, 2008).In contrast, apartments such as Surrey Oaks 1 Apartments which have only the standard amenities cost much, much lower. At Surrey Oaks 1, one would pay an average of only $450.Surrey Oaks II, with the only extra feature being night time patrols, go for a comparable rate of $470. Glen Arbor Apartments, which have similar amenities and no extras, go for only $489. Hillcrest Apartments have even fewer amenities and charge only $480 for a one bedroom apartment. At $535, Huntington Ridge Apartments throw in an extra benefit in the form of night patrols (MyNewPlace, 2008).At an average rate of $979 for a one bedroom apartment, Delano Apartments are a lso considered upscale. Reflective of the rates are the extra amenities that the apartments offer. In addition to the standard facilities that one would find in Surrey Oaks for example, Delano Apartments also offer concierge services, a sundeck, elevators, high speed internet, a courtyard, a rec room, a clubhouse, and a business center.Like the Delano Apartments, Tuscan Hill Villas Apartments also charge premium rates for more top-of-the-class amenities. At $935 a month for a one bedroom apartment, the apartments have all the facilities that upscale apartments such as Delano, Lofts at Las Colinas, and Lincoln Lakeside Apartments offer (MyNewPlace, 2008).An examination of the location also shows that homes that are considered upscale (more luxurious and comfortable) charge higher rates. This explains why the exclusive Lofts at Las Colinas is almost two times as expensive as Surrey Oaks 1.   Those with more amenities are more expensive.That explains why Delano is much more costly th an Hillcrest. Those apartments which are located close to transit systems, in downtown locations, or close to shopping malls charge relatively higher rates than those which are not.Lofts at Las Colinas’ close proximity to the downtown of both Dallas and Fort Worth has certainly also contributed to the princely sum of $1,219 that it charges for a one bedroom apartment. Areas that charge more than $900 are considered upscale (MyNewPlace, 2008).

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Clarkson Lumber Company Essay

(1) Background: CLC was founded in 1981 by Mr. Clarkson and brother-in-law Henry Holtz in the Pacific Northwest. The company has experienced rapid growth over the recent years and it is anticipated to continue. Mr. Clarkson bought out Mr. Holtz for $200,000 to become the sole owner. This resulted in the need of more cash inflow from the bank. Even with consistent profits, the company has suffered a shortage of cash and has borrowed funds needed for business growth. (2) Major Problem(s): CLC’s current ratio (formula 1) has deteriorated which led to a shortage of funds while still being profitable. The company’s average collection period (formula 2) and debt ratio (formula 3) have increased which also signals problems. CLC buys its inventory in large quantities from the suppliers in order to take advantage of a 2% trade discount but has been unable to receive the discount due to the increasing average collection period and inventory turnover. (3) Alternative Courses of Action: i. Acquire more bank credit ii. Reduce rate of growth to more sustainable level iii. Reevaluate customers who can purchase on credit (4) Brief Analysis of Alternatives: i. CLC must improve their current ratio to ensure the bank it will have the ability to repay a larger loan. ii. CLC has seen operating expense increase dramatically between 1993 and 1995. CLC needs to reconsider the amount of inventory to be held on hand and scale back operations if inventory turnover continues to increase. iii. Due to the increasing average collection period, CLC needs to seriously reconsider allowing some customers to purchase on credit and do more thorough credit analysis. An increasing average collection period does not allow CLC to take advantage of the 10 day 2% trade discount. (5) Suggested Course of Action: CLC should seek to increase the $750,000 loan from the bank but with severe restrictions. The company should be required to reduce accounts receivable and inventory and strict control of future investments to reduce cash outflow. Formula 1: Current Ratio 1993: $686/275 = 2.49 1994: $895/565 = 1.58 1995: $1249/1188 = 1.05 Formula 2: Average Collection Period 1993: $306/(2921/365) = 38.24 1994: $411/(3477/365) = 43.15 1995: $606/(4519/365) = 48.95 Formula 3: Debt Ratio 1993: $415/919 = .45 1994: $785/1157 = .68 1995: $1188/1637 = .73